Appeal to the European Court of Human Rights

We help protect the right to liberty and security of person in the European Court of Human Rights!
Article 5:
1. Everyone has the right to liberty and security of person. No one shall be deprived of his liberty save in such cases and in accordance with a procedure prescribed by law ...
2. Everyone who is arrested shall be informed promptly, in a language which he understands
the grounds for his arrest and any charges against him.
3. Everyone who is arrested or detained in accordance with the provisions of subparagraph (c) of paragraph 1 of this article shall be immediately brought before a judge or other official authorized by law to exercise judicial power, and shall be secured by a court within a reasonable time. dismissal during the proceedings. Such dismissal may be due to guarantees to appear in court.
4. Everyone who is deprived of his liberty by arrest or detention shall be entitled to take proceedings by which the lawfulness of his detention shall be decided speedily by a court and his release ordered if the detention is not lawful.
5. Everyone who has been the victim of arrest or detention in contravention of the provisions of this article shall have an enforceable right to compensation. "
If you have encountered violations of your freedom and right to privacy, you should exercise your right to appeal to the ECtHR to restore justice.
Remember! No one can deprive you of the protection of inalienable human rights and fundamental freedoms, even if the state cannot provide it with national means.
Our experienced lawyers can accompany your case at all stages - from a written application to the defense of the position in the European Court.
Among the most common areas in which violations of Article 5 of the Convention can be alleged are:
Illegal detention
Arbitrary detention
wrongful deprivation of liberty
Imprisonment without conviction or incompetent court
Failure to comply with the conditions of imprisonment for failure to comply with a lawful court order or legal obligation.
Pre-trial detention in the absence of "reasonable suspicion"
Failure to comply with the procedure for detaining a minor
Violation of the conditions of detention of mentally ill, drug addicts and alcoholics
Detention of a foreigner for the purpose of deportation or extradition
Failure to comply with the guarantees established for persons deprived of their liberty
Violation of the right to a trial within a reasonable time or to release before the trial.
Compensation for illegal detention
For a detailed consultation about your specific situation - contact our lawyers by phone or describe your problem in the CHAT (at the bottom of the page).